coach factory has created a series of popular attention

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Nearly 70 years, COACH has become a classic American design landscape. Founded in 1941, the COACH brand, was a family hand-workshop. In a Manhattan loft, six leather artisans hand-craft the use of generations to create a series of leather goods. Today, coach outlet is a $ 3.2 billion publicly traded company based on innovation, quality, genuine intrinsic value and a truly unique American style, to provide customers with unique and stylish products.

In the collection in its rich history, coach factory has created a series of popular attention and the very unique fashion industry works, and durable, versatile and stylish elegance known. COACH brand in the world with a full charm, influence, increasing its product range, including a series of fine accessories and gifts. Only read the self, to Coach Op Art Bags right to establish their own goals in life, is life’s brilliant.

Par coachfactory le mercredi 10 août 2011


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